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School and therapeutic services

La Gaviota IAP is registered with a la Secreatría de Educación Pública with the number : CCT: 09PML0012


Early stimulation for children from 1 to 2 years 11 months. Kinder 1, 2 and 3: children from 3 to 6 years old. Psychomotricity and Computation.

Early Childhood and Preschool Education is the foundation on which their school development is based. At this stage of life, cognitive, motor, sensory and social skills are strengthened and personality construction begins.

Servicios escolares y terapéuticos

In La Gaviota there is an Inclusive model, children with and without disabilities in the same classroom, where they are really included in all activities and the curriculum is adapted according to age, disability and abilities. This also allows children at an early age to be sensitized, promoting empathy and developing the ability to reject discrimination in any of its modalities.

The GOAL of schooling within La Gaviota is to provide children with the basic concepts according to preschool ages, develop individual learning strategies and at the same time achieve teamwork in order to promote inclusive education and inclusion Social.

As of the 2018-2019 school year, the New Educational Model restructures the work areas within Education in Mexico.

New terms are established and the work organization is also modified. Within this new model, three curricular components are contemplated:

  • Academic Training Fields:
    Language and communication, Mathematical thinking and Exploration and Knowledge of the Natural and Social world.

  • Areas of Personal and Social Development:
    Arts, Socio-emotional Education and Physical Education.

  • Curricular Autonomy:
    Expand academic training, promote personal and social development, new relevant content, regional knowledge and projects with social impact.

The pedagogical activities also include complementary classes in Psychomotricity and Computing that provide strengthening in the development of motor skills and technological interaction.



Each of the groups carries out the development of a special program. These activities are aimed at promoting motor development, socialization and cognitive development through movement. Activities are held within school hours once a week. There is a specific room for this activity, which has been equipped thanks to donations.



Currently the tools that exist to support education have a lot to do with the advancement of technology, therefore, our students have a special schedule for access to the computer room where activities are carried out that reinforce previously seen knowledge in the classroom.


Language therapy, Physics, Equine therapy and Stimulation

Physical Therapy as a scientific discipline that is part of Rehabilitation Medicine, plays an extremely important role within the Institution.

Its objective is to give individual and specialized attention to children who present some alteration in development at the level of physical abilities as a consequence of a Neuromotor Disorder.


This care is based on the evaluation and determination of the treatment to follow to achieve the maximum remaining potential. Children receive individual work sessions once or twice a week lasting 40 minutes.

Also once a week there is a group of parents who participate in group therapy in order to learn the therapeutic management of the child, and to be able to continue their treatment at home.

Among the activities carried out in Physical Therapy is the development of some orthotic aids, in case the child needs them, hydrotherapy, electrotherapy and  occupational and visual therapy.

La Gaviota

Language Therapy is the therapeutic discipline that supports the treatment of disorders that manifest through the use of language, these can be such as stuttering (dysphemia), articulation difficulties (dysarthria), problems in the structuring of language, delay in language acquisition and development or deeper communication problems.

In turn, in the language area, children with alterations in the basic learning devices are cared for: attention, memory, motivation, habituation and concentration.

The Language Therapy area aims to ensure that La Gaviota students who have language problems can communicate either through Oral Language or with an Alternative System.

The sessions are taught individually once or twice a week, depending on the case of each child. Inside the Institution, Therapists go to groups every 40 minutes for those children who require the service. This care is also provided to external children (who come from other schools and are channeled only for the Language Therapy service).

There are tools such as Communication boards prepared by Therapists, the Speach Viwer program as well as applications on Ipads.

Equine therapy: it is an activity with horses with the purpose of contributing positively to the cognitive, physical, emotional, social and occupational development of people who suffer from some type of disability or special need.

The equine therapy sessions are individual and are given every Monday with two volunteer equine therapists and riders who are experts in the field.


Childern’s stay

Food, leisure activities and entertainment

The Stay service is granted to those parents who, due to work schedules, cannot attend to minors after the end of their school activities.

Personalized attention is provided and always with a playful approach, where the child has a pleasant moment while waiting for her parents.

La Gaviota

Dining room

The children enter the dining room at 1:00 p.m., the food provided is supervised by a nutritionist, who always contemplates the characteristics of our children. The menus are varied and balanced, it is intended that the little ones taste different flavors and at the same time receive adequate nutrition.

Actividades lúdicas

Leisure activities

From 2:00 p.m. children do recreational activities. These activities are aimed primarily at socialization, feedback and imagination. The teachers are in charge of planning painting workshops, reading circles or motor activities. With this, children learn and have fun while waiting for their parents.

Awarness with parents

Workshops, Consulting

Within the comprehensive intervention for students, the participation of parents or guardians in charge of them is of utmost importance.

La Gaviota

Therefore, part of our work is to raise awareness about the support they must provide in the treatment of their children, ongoing assistance and compliance with the materials, consultations and recommendations provided by specialized personnel.

This process is carried out through individual consultancies, delivery of reports and specific meetings in cases necessary to agree on joint work strategies if required.

In the same way, informative talks are provided where parents are oriented on issues aimed at the education and treatment of minors.